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Radar Love

I love the weather tab on my Fuze (running TF3D2), but one thing it’s lacking is a big-picture sense of what is really happening or going to happen at any particular moment in any particular location (I suppose I could just look out the window).

Well, I just found a great app over at wmexperts that solves that problem. It’s called RadarLove! As the name suggests, “RadarLove taps into U.S. Radar sites and brings that imagery to your Windows Mobile touchscreen phone. The settings allow you to switch between radar locations and adjust the details of the map, transparency of the radar image and loop speed…RadarLove is a simple, free beta application that might come in handy if you need to check out the local weather radar. The radar sites are limited to only U.S. sites but that may change as this application develops.

You can download the .cab file directly from here