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Remove the Envelope – Show More of the Email

I like TF3D but the text message tab is a lot more functional than the email tab since it shows the entire message while the email tab is obscured by the envelope. Want to move the envelope to be behind the emails so it doesn’t block the view anymore while still looking clean? Well fortunately ITNV and cparkhorn from XDA found and shared two manila files to replace stock files which make the change and I jumped in the mix by making a cab to make it easier to install.

Now before you install the cab I recommend backing up the two files which are located in your Windows directory and are named 77fb7fad_manila and 21449ae5_manila. Once backed up turn off TF3D (Start – Settings – Today -  Items and uncheck TF3D) and then install the cab (I’m begging you to turn off TF3D before you install this). Once installed turn TF3D back on and you should be good to go. The cabs can be found here in our forums or here on XDA (same file). I have provided a cab to remove the envelope and another one to add it back.

For those of you who were Tilt users you may remember when we did the same thing on our Tilts…I guess this one will never get old:) This works on my Fuze and presumably will work on the Touch Pro and Diamond series and I would doubt it would work on a Touch HD.