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Tip for eBay shoppers

Recently I bought couple of scarcely used items from eBay sellers. The items are good and shipped as listed. But I noticed few unwanted and uninvited guests surprised me for which I didn’t pay for and those came with the shipment. As a thumb rule, my wife and I decided to open any packing for the bought items outside of the house. Because sometimes these boxes live in warehouses or showrooms for a long time and may have some dust in them. To avoid extensive dusting, we open the boxes in the backyard or garage depending upon the size of the packing. And that actually saved us a lot. Here these uninvited guests are roaches. And our thumb rule helped us the time and money we would have to spend on getting rid of those. I am telling you, I haven’t seen these surprises in the past, and I did eBay shopping a lot of times. So make sure you open your boxes either outside of your home or open the boxes carefully because you and eBay for that matter never know the conditions at the shippers’ places. I thought I should pass this tip to our readers.