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Apple’s Black Friday pricing will still leave you in the red

Everyone knows Black Friday means deals and if you are waiting for Apple to discount that certain iThingy you have had your I on then don’t get your hopes up too high. We have been seeing emails for the past few days about Apple’s Black Friday deal and has gotten their hands on a leaked ad that really wasn’t worth the effort.

Starting with the MacBook Air, Pro, and iMac, they all will get a $101 dollar discount. The iPad 2 will get a $41 dollar discount for the $499 dollar 16gb version and $61 dollars off the more expensive tablets. Nano’s slashed a whopping $11, Touch’s from $21 to $41 and nothing on the iPhones. Accessories will also get some, and when I say some, I mean very little discount love as well.

Hey thanks Apple!
