Welcome to another review on Mobility Digest, this isn’t a phone, but this is Mobility Digest, not Phone Digest meaning that anything mobility counts right? We should diversify
When I purchased my Nexus One, the only phone purported to give customers the true “Google Experience,” I knew by that point that it was not selling well
Dadi68 of XDA has written a simple to use, finger friendly check list application that comes with a PC companion so you can create lists and sync between
This is a really cool application that my kids and I both have had fun with. Google Translator which has apps already for other platforms but nothing yet
So I did some extensive and very repetitive speed testing in Manhattan around 5pm today and last week. Trying to uncover a conspiracy on the part of AT&T
From time to time I can’t think of anything to write about. Fortunately, we have readers who comment (from time to time). Among those readers is the infamous
You have to give Microsoft credit for their chutzpah. What nerve to think that Googlites would actually deign to use a Microsoft product on their Android phones. But
Earlier this week RIM released Blackberry Desktop Manager 6.0 for Windows users. The screenshots of it actually made it look kinda cool so I decided to try it