If you love mobility and and want to share your interest with other people then why not join the team here at Mobility Digest? We are all hard core mobility enthusiasts that love to discuss the latest trends in mobility and then share it with our readers. Mobility Digest has a very diverse team but we are always looking for more writers.

Currently we are looking for iPhone and Android writers that have a good knowledge of their device and want to help other people use that device more productively. We do this for fun and to have access to all the latest technology news and a deeper discussion with friends. There are other perks too.

Do you need a degree in journalism, or electronic engineering? The answer is no. All you need is a decent working knowledge of your device, and a good writing style. We will train you on the ins and outs of course as well as answer any questions, but we need more writers with time to spread the word and keep the conversation going here at Mobility Digest.

If you are interested, or want some more information, just fill out the form below and send it to us. Thanks again for be part of the Mobility Digest community!
