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Android + Chrome – Flash = ?

I’m clearly not up to speed with Android these days as I thought Chrome had been available for some time on Android (guess not) but today Google made a beta of Chrome available for ICS (Android 4.0) users. Some of the niceties include seeing your browser history/open tabs on your phone exactly as you left them off on your PC. But one of the things lost was Flash. Now that’s not entirely a surprise as Adobe announced months ago that they were ending Flash support for new browsers. There’s just this inherent conflict where Android users love their power and brag of their Flash and at the same time love their Chrome and must embrace HTML5.

Just reading the various blogs about how great the new browser is while glossing over the lack of Flash (their baby) is more than amusing. It’s almost like a social experiment…and the ultimate outcome will be Android users bragging about having a Flash-less Chrome browser on their phone and ignoring their old talking points…good times.