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New Facebook App Update for iPhone will Speed Things Up

The NY Times is reporting that next month, publically traded Facebook will release an update for the iPhone that will deal with only one thing, speed. Speeding up their app for iPhone owners might help slow down the already 21,000 single star raters of the app at Apple’s App Store. I use the app quite a bit and while I do see the issues with it, I hardly see it as 1 star, but then the general public can be brutal. Speaking with Facebook engineers that wished to remain anonymous, on of them said that:

“…the new application has been built primarily using Objective-C, the programming language used to build applications for iOS. Many of the components of the current version of the Facebook app are built using HTML5, the Web-based markup language.

The current version of the app is essentially an Objective-C shell with a Web browser inside. When it comes to speed, this is like putting the engine of a Smart Car in the body of a Ferrari.”

Facebook has declined to comment on this new hot rod version of the iPhone Facebook App but one thing is certain, at least 21,000 people might rate it a 2 star after that!
