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Reflex Series Cases by OtterBox coming soon to iPad 2

I got my iPad 2 on launch day. Stood in line and and experienced the whole Apple frenzy thing. Trust me, if you have not stood in line waiting for an Apple product, just skip it, the experience is over rated. I got my new iPad 2 home, reviewed it here, and have actually really enjoyed it ever since. One of the problems on launch day was the absence of my favorite method of protecting my devices, the OtterBox Defender. Even though I bought it at the time, I blame it on insanity brought on by standing in line, I got one of those Smart Covers. Unlike the iPad 2, I have not used it since I bought it.

Well, it took a few months of waiting, but the folks at OtterBox finally kicked out some Defender Series goodness for the iPad 2. Yeah I reviewed that too. And unlike every other OtterBox Defender, it was good, but it had a few issues. It still does provide maximum protection, but read the review for the few hiccups I found. Besides, help us out with bounce rate beating we have been taking from all you Windows 8 folks stopping by courtesy of Google and then heading back off again. Simmons knows who you are! <evil grin>

I get an email from my inside guy at OtterBox and it seems something is in the works for my iPad 2. Something we have seen before. Remember the Reflex Series that we wrote about back in January? Get ready, cause coming soon is the Reflex Series Case for the iPad 2. I didn’t get much out of the OtterBox folks other than that I will be getting one to review. That and it will cost $20.00 less than the Defender Series case for the iPad 2 that comes in at a hefty $89.99. So for $69.99 you will have outstanding protection for your device. The Reflex Series also features a slick two piece design so assembly should be quick and easy in difference to the time consuming and tedious task of installing the Defender Series on the iPad 2.

Yeah, I’m pretty excited about this. Stay tuned and I will have a lot more on the Reflex Series case for the iPad 2 and other devices as we are given more information.

otterbox-reflex series-ipad-2

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