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Android releasing “Design Bible” for ICS

While Android reigns supreme as the #1 mobile OS in the world, holding the majority of the marketshare beneath its green, stubby limbs… there is much to be said about the third party applications.  With the most recent revelation of “Roboto”, the default Android font that Google is supporting, it seems that taking a few pages from their competitors books about consistent design couldn’t hurt the platform.  It may even result in an improved experience and better curb appeal, because nothing says amateur like an app killer using Comic Sans.

To remedy this, Google is going to be building a site where Mountain View will be offering suggestions and guidelines to its app developers on how to create a more cohesive and unified experience for end users.  Hopefully OEM’s take a page out of this book and scale back their bloatware as well, but don’t hold your breath for that.

Android is often criticized for being uneven, visually and design-wise.  This could prove a happy medium between Apple’s iron-fisted lock on approving apps and their current laissez-faire methodology, using them as guidelines and not requirements.