This Bloomberg story about the Zune hardware being discontinued by Microsoft contains an interesting statement. First off, if you haven’t read it, the claim is that there will
As we’ve been discussing, Twitter has been pushing new techniques to get revenue out of the site, including the #dickbar, of course, and now it seems like they’re
Herm’s Software has ported over Paper Toss from Windows Mobile to Windows Phone and I must say, it’s been improved quite a bit. The graphics are really sharp
Microsoft has added Pex4Fun to the Marketplace and it’s a game based around writing proper code: Win points by writing code! You earn points when your code computes
The XOOM shipped without Flash but Adobe has announced that it will be releasing Flash 10.2 for Honeycomb on March 18 as a free download. They’re calling it
Pwn2Own had a tremendous start with a MacBook Pro getting exploited in 5 seconds by Charlie Miller who has now walked off with an exploit four years in