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Cant connect to Windows Marketplace?

When trying to play with the Mobile Marketplace today i kept getting an error and couldn’t figure out why but after poking around a little bit I found that I wasn’t the only one! And I’ve got a fix for you! Well, not me, but someone does! and that someone is Paul Smith! But I’m gonna share it!

One of the checks the Marketplace application seems to make us having a look at your version information. A lot of custom ROMs put thier own string in, which seems to be upsetting it. To check, open up your favourite registry editor and make your way to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Versions and change Aku to .5.3.00

And then soft reset and give it a go.

And you know what? it works perfectly! No more errors on loading up the marketplace anymore!

Source: Paul Smith’s Blog via Microsoft Support