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Crackle is now available for iOS with free ad supported movies

I just saw this last night and there are actually a lot of very cool movies in their collection. Yes, it’s ad supported but the playback was very nice, the user interface pretty clean, and it has some great content including some TV Shows that includes Seinfeld!

* Watch full-length Hollywood movies and TV series
* FREE to download app, FREE to watch
* Unlimited, on demand viewing
* Genres including: action, comedy, crime, horror, thriller and sci-fi
* Optimized for both iPhone/iPod touch and iPad
* Browse Movies, TV, Originals, Collections and Genres – or search by keyword
* Build and manage your queue for viewing on the app or online at
* Stream HQ video via 3G or Wi-Fi
* New movies and TV episodes added regularly
* Content available only in US, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia; and content varies by territory

Here are some screen shots:

You must be 17 to download this app because as you can see above, some material might not be suitable for everyone.

Interesting about Crackle is that they are a  division of Sony which also developed Crackle for Android. Fro more information, head on over to the Crackle website:

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