HTC Sense 2.5 RSS Tab Coming To A WinMo Device Near You
| YES! Now this is something I am very excited about! Because I am a news junkie and write for this here blog, I got to keep up to speed on things and depend on Twitter and more importantly, my HTC HD2 RSS Feed! now the fine folks over at XDA are in the midst of keeping us even more connected on our Windows Mobile Devices and HTC Sense 2.5 with our very own RSS Tab.
Right now the project is in development and there is a huge need for some developers to help out.
Here is more:
Latest Info
(19Aug2010) Project Launch, Wiki Open for ideas etc [Sense RSS Tab Project], Developer Package attached
Welcome to the RSS Tab Developer Thread.
The plan is for this project will be open as possible and allow new developers to have a go, I would like to make this accessible as possible.
There is plenty which can be done, by all ranges of skill levels so have a look through and give things a try and ask some questions if you get stuck. The aim initially is to develop a fully working RSS Tab, which everyone can add and contribute to then, using the same methods, many other tabs can be created
What can I do?
The tab will need ideas, design, graphics and code, so there is plenty to do. Also it would be great to build up a wiki attached to the project [Sense RSS Tab Project] which explains how it is put together etc. no one person need do everything, just do what you can and hopefully others will help and assist you. That’s the plan anyway.
Head on over to XDA (CLICK HERE) and please support this project.
awww SWEET!