Just read on my Google Reader that Google is shutting down Google Reader noooo
|And the irony isn’t helping to alleviate the sting.. 🙁 C’mon people we need a good backlash! Backlash damnit, blowback too, all you got! http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/reader/qYAeiUEY8sg
Yeah this has been blowing up my Twitter feed 😉 not sure why but I stopped using RSS a while back. I rely on Twitter and the Weave apps for WP mostly.
Yea….not cool…what am I suppose to do now?
they’ll cave, i just signed a petition.. they’ll cave, indefinitely postpone it or whatever
Hmm, didn’t Microsoft say google apps are experimental, or something like that?
yes, a lot of their projects will be pulled out of plugs after releasing to public or carry beta stamp for good number of years and disappear. I thought Chrome OS would also fold into the same, but interestingly it didn’t. But given the fact that the things changing lately at Google, i.e. like Android and Chrome OS got into same management I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them gets replaced with the other down the line.
I’ve made the switch not too long ago to http://www.newsblur.com. It’s not perfect but is a good alternative. The only one I found that was like Google Reader.
hahaha “NewsBlur is in maintenance mode.”
All the alternatives are getting SLAMMED!
My husband found theoldreader.com on his Tumblr. I admit I haven’t been using Google Reader, or any RSS service in a long time. I think it’s about time to revisit them.
Ahh, here it is. The “google graveyard”. Guess you can add a stone for their reader soon.
I like the “Your Privacy” in that list. 😉
Hahaha that Hitler is always so damn funny. Damn is he pissed at Google
Hah that’s the best one of those I’ve seen. “Don’t worry, he can still export his feeds…”
Anyway, if this happens, the moment Google Reader shuts down (entirely), freshly-posted articles will take about a 15-20% hit in views for the first few days of it having been posted. Granted those are Google Reader views but hey, they’re still views of our content, and a chunk of them (not sure off-hand exactly) do bleed into site views and help us sustain loyalty. Maybe with all these replacements that will eventually be soothed to some extent.
So this sucks for a lot of people, sucks especially for the likes of us, because even if Jimski doesn’t like Google and claims not to know what Google Reader is and that he doesn’t care enough anyway to impose on us to answer the question, people who like Google like Jim, and though he may not be aware of that, he clearly likes how so many people like him obviously. And I like that arrangement he’s got. This is gonna sting (if it happens).
What’s Google Reader. Oh, never mind.
Jimski you are the most anti-Google person I’ve ever encountered
LOL. That means I lost that crown. 😀
STRONG 4 letter word google!
Feedly is a worthy contender. They promise a seamless transition from google to feedly by the end of the cut off date. I was able to get my feeds to look how they were in google reader and there are better options for displaying data on their web page. It also has apps for iOS and android (haven’t tried them yet). I just switched over today and am impressed. If you don’t like how a section of your feeds are displayed just play around with the options until you find something you like. I didn’t like it until I found those other settings. One drawback I have heard is if you have more than 100 feeds then you may have issues with feedly.
I have a feeling we’ll be hearing a lot about worthy contenders for at least three months. Additionally, along the way many more will sprout up in various forms and existing ones polished to look more like Google Reader (like oldgooglereader.com which I want to take a look at but am reluctant due to its asking me for access to my account).
What I think is very important Google either declaring soon that they have no plans to cut off the API, or that they will but “developers here is what we advise you do with your apps to keep your Reader apps from derailing on July 1st.”
Yeah good point, they have made no announcement about the API which is the bigger issue. Still feedly claims that they will have an API option and I like it so far.