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Lots of Vuvuzela Apps – This One Really Blows

I love watching World Cup and thinking that there must be a hornets nest somewhere…OK, let’s admit it – the real problem with the vuvuzela is that it’s someone else doing it. When you’re the one making noise during the game it’s entirely acceptable. So join in. From JDB Pocketware comes a free vuvuzela app they call Wuvuzela that’s simple but has a few nice features – like you can blow into the mic to make it go. You can also choose the size of the horn, the sound, volume and country skin. It’s freeware but an ad loads when you exit or for $1.50 you can avoid the ad. Go grab it…Saturday’s game is going to sneak up on you so be ready for it!:)

The download can be found here

via WMExperts