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May I Share an Email with You?

From: Micah
To: Doug Simmons
Subject: address

I need your address so I can send you your wedding present. You don’t have Google TV yet, right? On the way.


Jackpot. Rivals the 1964 Gibson Hummingbird guitar in terms of the best wedding present, can’t wait for this thing to show up. Really, I can’t wait — I think my TV is on its last legs, sometimes it doesn’t light up when you turn it on and have to cycle the power. LCD. Is that how LCDs begin to die?

So, just in case you don’t know what this means to you and would like a heads up, you may want to situate yourself to be subjected to a whole lot of Google TV articles which you’ll either like because I’m an awesome writer and you like anything I write about or you don’t but you’d like some kind of other content diluting the damn WP7 article molasses we’ve regretfully been subjecting to you, which we’ve basically been doing only because the most prolific of our writers loves Microsoft roughly as much as I love Google and is convinced the average one of you shares his passion and because I’ve been honeymooning for the past good chunk of time, not at liberty to offset that poppycock.

But I’m back baby. And I’ve got Google TV on its way.

You know what I would have really appreciated? An electronics outfit like Newegg or maybe Thinkgeek that handles wedding registries. The next time you manage to talk someone into marrying you, try to find such a thing while letting her plan the rest of the wedding, otherwise you’ll just be getting pots and pans, dishes, silverware, fancy Tiffany red wine glasses even though you like white and already have enough nice ones but the presumptive wife puts it on the registry anyway just in case we get a much bigger apartment and start throwing parties. Imagine being able to suggest to a hundred something people that in addition to the usual Bed Bath and Beyond stuff they could hook you up with more RAM, instead of a four set of placemats how about four 30” monitors or four 7.5TB hard drives, more cell phone batteries, Google TV and a nicer TV on which to watch it plus an HDMI cable if one’s not included …

Doug Simmons