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WM 6.5 Plugins Galore

I know some of us forgot what a plugin is because of TF3D but if we go back about 18 months it was as good as things got. Well, with WM 6.5 comes a new set of plugins to add to your home screen. And thanks to thedaniel of XDA we have a complete list of all available plugins in one easy thread. This includes plugins to get to Microsoft Office quicker, use PocketTwit, Facebook Mobile and Facebook Chat, System Panel (shows RAM, storage and SD Card availability), favorite people, weather info, Opera 6.5 bookmarks, skinable analog clock, program tab and a quick program launcher.

The thread can be found here.  Great work thedaniel. For those out there with 6.5 it’s a huge help and for those of us looking forward to 6.5 it’s good to know that plugins are being developed now so when official ROMs are released we’ll be ready.

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