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WP7 Marketplace Is Getting Filled: Here’s What It Has

if you updated to the latest version of Zune (4.7) today then you can go to Marketplace- Apps and you can see what’s in the Windows Phone 7 app catalogue. Of course, if you’re lazy here’s what’s in it now:

They’ve got a lot to go. For example, there are two Google Voice apps: one is under Social and one under Productivity. I get that the developers opted that way, but MS has to try to align these things. Also, we know there are games and apps that aren’t loaded here yet so don’t be freaked out that it’s only 80 so far and some are missing images here. When you go into the app they show pricing and ratings already as well as additional screenshots and it actually looks great in the app. Here’s an image of a game but as you see, the game image fills the background:

They are already populating ‘we recommend’, top paid apps and top free apps. OK guys, better get a move on it if you’re going to have 2,000 apps by launch…