xdaroms.com: Your New Home for Flashing
|Xda-developers just created a home for all things ROM. It provides valuable information such as the phase of ROM development (e.g., Alpha, Beta, RC, RTM), ROM series, and ROM comparison (see pic on right), and user ratings. An d there are more than 20 devices listed, so you will likely find the ROMs available for yours.
The site is still early in its development, so it is heavily loaded or quite up to date on ROMs. But, as it develops, it should become a valuable repository and resource for flashers.
This is quite possibly one of the most bad-ass websites I’ve seen for ROM whores like myself. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when WinPho or First Else comes out. I still don’t know what I’m getting. Hope this catches on.
It would certainly help if the chefs would update just one location for the downloads… then they could concentrate on the threads more vs. having to constantly update the links… I hate having to jump between sites trying to find the latest links for ROMs or apps… a central repository for ROMs is a good idea.. I just hope that the system doesn’t get too big too fast and over whelm the person/people that are currently running it.
It looks like it hasn’t been updated for some time, though. I mean, EnergyROMs from February?