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LED (Leak Free) Flashlight Homebrewed For WP7


The ability to use your LED as a flashlight- so simple yet it comes in handy so often. Dave Amenta has just put together an app that accomplishes this by turning on the video camera with the flash but in this updated version the video is sent to Isolated Storage and removed so the phone will not fill with leaked videos (unlike a previous XDA version). iI does make that little video ‘beep’ noise but the LED light on the Focus is crazy strong. Ahh, it’s like an old friend (yes HD2 LED I ‘m talking about you) is back again.

Make sure you turn off the camera (tap the screen) before hitting back or exit or else the light will remain on for 20 seconds with the back key, or until you go back into the app and turn it off with the Windows key.

You do need an unlocked phone for this. The download is available here from Dave Amenta. Nice work!

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