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Let’s Discuss the 2011 Tech Fails

imageThe mobile markets really heated up in 2011 but with that came some epic tech failures. Let’s go through a bunch of them and you can sound off on how big they were. In no order:

*HP WebOS/TouchPad and the little engine that didn’t

*Blackberry’s implosion – no phones on the horizon and it’s worth more for its parts

*And while we’re on RIM, the Playbook needs to be priced at $100 if they want to move any devices

*Windows Phone fails to gain significant any traction and Verizon shelves are empty

*What ever happened to the iPhone 5 and the retina iPad?

*Android opened the doors to malware

*And then the PlayStation Network showed us what vulnerability really means

*Remember the HTC Status Facebook phone? Neither do we

*How about that HTC bug that opened the door to key logging?

*Speaking of, Carrier IQ anyone?

*I have no choice but to mention Qwikster…I mean Netflix

*And while we’re there, the HP PC spinoff that wasn’t

*Anyone have an Android tablet that’s not a Kindle Fire? Oh it’s on Ebay…I see

*Remember the AT&T  merger with T-Mobile? That’ll cost them…

* And Flash finally gives up on mobile…even though Android still demands it

I’m sure I missed a few and I’m sure you’ll remind of that. Some of these are clearly bigger than others and some of them are game changers. But please, I’ve said enough already. Discuss amongst yourself in the comments.

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