New BlackBerry Slider Pictures Leak
When you think of BlackBerry, you naturally think of a candy bar style QWERTY Keyboard device with a cool trackball on the front right? Well, if you are not a BlackBerry person, sit down, because it looks like BlackBerry is jumping out of the box with a New Slider Device that looks to soon hit the market. Still unnamed at this point, speculation is that the new BlackBerry slider could wear the Storm 3 badge or be part of the Bold Family.
Not a whole lot else is know about the device except that got their hands on one with a bad battery and could not be powered on. They say that the battery is a 1050mAh and is a bit thinner than the normal DX-1.
A few of the other blogs have not been too impressed with the slider platform BlackBerry is using, but I got to say that it looks pretty good.
What do you think? The BlackBerry Slider for you? Stay tuned and we will keep you posted as more leaks surface on the not much is know BlackBerry Slider.
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Fascinated with technology, saltwater aquariums and black holes. Handy with power tools or sarcasm and is an avid Clash of Clans addict.