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The Mobility Digest App for Windows Phone is Live!

Get Mobility Digest on your Windows Phone 7 device today! Why? Because that’s what all the cool kids are doing! But seriously, it’s my very first program of any kind with any language so keep that in mind before you rip me a new one about missing features please.  It took me a few weeks of fumbling around C# and Silverlight, but I finally managed to this app finished and working. The app is free, and I intend on updating the app with additional features as I learn more about C#.

Currently, the app allows you to get a list of articles from the main page accompanied by their descriptions. If you pan to the right, you will see a control for selecting different categories specific to individual OSs. If you click on the articles, the app will navigate to the browser and direct you to the corresponding webpage. Hitting the back button will return you to the app.

I plan to add additional layout configurations, full article viewing from inside the app, and comment support in the future. However, know that I am still learning everything, so I cannot implement any of these or other features until I learn how to do so. Anyone familiar with .NET, C#, and/or Silverlight who wants to give me some pointers, please feel free to do so. I’m always trying to learn more things, and the more resources I have the better! I also welcome any suggestions on features, but be warned that the more advanced the feature the less likely it will be added(due to my lack of knowledge in this area).  If anyone wants me to make them a similar app, shoot me an email with the subject line “app request” and I’ll do it for free. Please leave all comments and suggestions in the comments below. Anyway, enjoy guys!

Download the Mobility Digest App!!!

UPDATE: Please do not update the app if one appears before Monday(3/21/11). I uploaded the wrong .xap to the marketplace and I am not allowed to cancel a submission once it’s been sent in. The update(if it passes certification, which I hope it doesn’t) will not break the app but it will screw up the layout a bit. I will submit another update as soon as this MS allows me to(I can only have one update submitted at a time for certification). If you download the update by accident, the fix will be coming 3-5days after the wrong update was released, as that’s about how long it take MS to certify my app. Sorry for the trouble guys!