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WP sensation Krashlander about to be released for iPhone and iPad

Krashlander is in a league of it’s own. It’s one of the very few Windows Phone games that I’ve played through completion and I was really hooked on it. In fact, we’ve mentioned it 14 times on the site already raving about it.  In the game you’re skiing down hill in a physics based game where your job is to crash into the robots. Ok that description didn’t do it justice at all but the controls are perfect and once you start playing you can’t stop and that’s why it’s so highly rater in the WP Marketplace. Let’s cut the chatter a bit and get into some gameplay:

Up until now it’s been a Windows Phone exclusive. That’s set to change in the coming days when Krashlander is going to be available for iOS. I was fortunate enough to have played an early release version on my iPad and it’s exactly what it should be. It’s the same controls and gameplay as the Windows Phone version with some enhancements. Overall it’s butter (even on my 1st gen iPad).

We’ll keep you posted on when it’s available but if you are rocking iOS set some time aside for this game.