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WP8 Softkeys Looking So Sweet.. on Android! (゜∀゜)

Going nuts with your fragmented laggy battery-guzzling Android phone with its cheap-ass softkeys waiting on the WP8 release? I got your back Jack! No, a bunch of Lumias did not fall off a truck, I’m talking “ported” WP8 softkeys you can flash on your rooted Android.

I’d say you’ll get the best of both worlds with this but you and I know damn well there ain’t nothing “best” about the world of Android versus WP — ain’t that right — except, arguably, its ability to sort of run WP8 softkeys better than anything on the market today.

All right, now I found this on XDA in the Galaxy Nexus forum – but who knows, maybe it will work on whichever of the thousands of crappy Androids that are out there that you bought for ten bucks, fragmenting the world’s pandas and force-closing its icecaps. If it looks kind of funky fragmented, maybe you can somehow unzip it and resize and defrag all the little .png files and get it just right and looking efficient yet chic. Wicked screenshot right here (warning, might need silverlight and sunglasses to see it).


The point I’m trying to make here is that Windows Phone’s UI is fantastic, really terrific stuff, and that Android is fantastically customizable. And, parenthetically, that my Android brethren have no shame but, further parenthetically, I suggest that this is a form of flattery. Good luck fellas, I admire your persistent loyalty and I actually am rooting for Windows Phone.

Doug Simmons