This weeks Windows phone 7 Xbox Live games just hit Marketplace. it’s Deer Hunter 3D and Zombie Attack! 2. These are some pretty nice titles. Deer Hunter 3D
Krashlander is currently the #1 top selling non-Xbox game in the Windows Phone Marketplace and now, it’s been released as a free/ad based version for all of those
According to Engadget, Google has stripped Facebook contacts from integrating into the contacts list of the Nexus S after the most recent update. And this was intentionally done
So this little pre-NoDo update is being distributed and it seems to be a mess across the world for those ‘lucky’ enough to have received the update. At
Qt is the Symbian platform. The one that’s now headed towards death as Nokia moves to Windows Phone. And of course, Nokia and Microsoft have hopes that all
Golf Battle 3D is a cross platform multi-player golf (type) game that’s already available for Android and is coming to every other platform. By every other platform, I
Wish your Windows Phone had turn by turn directions with an optional 3D view? Ok, done. A-to-B is a Turn-by-Turn application built to demonstrate some of the capabilities