We try to cover all platforms here but obviously WP7 has taken center stage in the last few days because of the launch and the strong advertising push.
Seems like the rumors keep coming tonight including turn-by-turn directions, Skydrive, clipboard and app-switching (almost multitasking). See the Tweets. Man, all the copy and paste stuff made me
Since Neowin saw a Tweet by Microsoft’s Oded Ran confirming Zune of Macs everyone is celebrating. And if it’s true, they should be. In fact, our Twitter followers
Roger Peters (of smartypantscoding) submitted his game Matchingo to the Marketplace for approval and just 18 hours later it was approved. That’s pretty impressive for Microsoft whose Windows
Microsoft is flexing their muscle a little bit here and finally letting their ecosystem come together. Their new AppHub lets you submit games to both platforms. That’s a
Microsoft did the hard work for us. Here it is (more detail at MS’s page). The Dell and Samsung ‘phones’ are clearly best when not making calls because