Some more popular titles have made their way from the iPhone to Windows Phones and they’re free. They are both games where you pretend dress up from developer
Looks like there is more evidence that Windows Phone apps will run on Windows 8. In mscorlib.dll NaiveUser found the following code: // System.CompatibilitySwitches public static bool IsAppEarlierThanWindowsPhone8
Smart advertising from Hotmail. They’ve released a new free game for Windows phone and iPhone that’s an augmented reality game. This is part of a marketing scheme to
It looks like Microsoft’s $99 Xbox + Kinect (with 2 year subscription plan) is making its way outside of Microsoft stores. Market Watch is reporting that some Best
Microsoft Marc Whitten has provided an open letter to Xbox gamers. Lots of great stuff but here’s where Windows Phones come into the mix: · Xbox on Windows
See, Apple wasn’t expecting you to actually try to do the things in their commercials. That would be insane. But that’s exactly what Paul Kafasis did. So he