File this under ”About damn time”! According to the AT&T Facebook page us lowly Captivate users are getting Froyo tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it.
I just read this post at The Huffington Post which talks about the Doodle 4 Google competition. If you’re not aware, Doodle 4 Google is a competition that
According to Engadget, Google has stripped Facebook contacts from integrating into the contacts list of the Nexus S after the most recent update. And this was intentionally done
As you might have guessed with the official announcement this morning, here comes all of the reviews and video unboxing’s of the Motorola XOOM which is heading to
Best Buy seems to always tip us off early to pricing and availability on the secretive US Carriers unannounced device releases and have done so again with the
Fresh on the heels of the Verizon Motorola XOOM announcement that the XOOM will be launched February 22nd, we got a pretty cool teaser video for you. Not
Qt is the Symbian platform. The one that’s now headed towards death as Nokia moves to Windows Phone. And of course, Nokia and Microsoft have hopes that all
Golf Battle 3D is a cross platform multi-player golf (type) game that’s already available for Android and is coming to every other platform. By every other platform, I