Despite just recently joining the WIndows Phone bandwagon, ZTE’s VP of terminal device units said they will have phones ready for launch by Q3. Hopefully ZTE wont be
Fresh off the announcement that a new web-based marketplace will be available in Mango, we’ve uncovered some information pertaining to a new marketplace experience on the phone. While
Unlike the mild mannered NODO update delivered (or not delivered depending on what device you own,) Mango is poised to be a much needed addition to the platform.
Another nice touch for Microsoft is a new release of a promo video for Windows Phone Mango Update: Its been roughly three hours since the Live Press Event
As I watched the Mango press conference in NYC today I started thinking about all the posts I have read the past eight months from people, including myself,
So after browsing through all this news about the Microsoft event this morning, something interesting hit me and prompted me to do some other research. There seemed to
Mango is shaping up to be awesome. If the OEMs deliver some stunning hardware I see no reason why Microsoft isn’t firmly in the conversation for platform of