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Chemist Companion for WP7 released V1.0

Here’s a couple surprises for all you Windows Phone owners out there. First, developer “enahs” over at XDA gave us a heads up that he has completed work on his second app for the Windows Phone platform called Chemist Companion V1.0. So what’s the second surprise? This was passed on by our local Android Fan Club President Mr. Doug Simmons. Don’t expect Simmons to give up his Nexus S any time soon, but he was kind enough to pass this app along in our email chaos.

Chemist Companion developer enahs,  who is a Synthetic Chemist by trade wanted quick and easy access to information on his phone so took it upon himself to just go ahead and make it so. And in doing so, he has decided to share his app with everyone. He goes on to say that this is NOT another periodic table. Here is what it includes:

  • NIST Periodic Table
  • Thermodynamic Data (ΔG,ΔH,ΔS, Heat Capacity)
  • Physical properties of common solvents (Formula, MW, MP, BP, FP, Density, Solubility (in water), Relative
  • ermittivity (dielectric constant)
  • Relative pKa
  • Solvent miscibility table (I combined quite a few different tables to make the most comprehensive solvent
  • iscibility table I have seen to date)
  • NMR shifts of common solvents/contaminants in common duterated solvents

“I will be updating the software with much more data later, but I thought I would roll the first version out. For the practicing chemist it is an amazing companion. It might be helpful for students as well. It has already made my life much simpler, and if it helps anybody else, great.”

There are two version, free ad supported, and a paid version for $1.99.

Both are available on the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace


These links should launch the Zune software, or just search Chemist Companion on the Marketplace.

Free version, ad supported.
Paid version, $1.99 US

Questions and comments appreciated.

XDA Thread