GekoNewCal: Finger-Friendly New Appointments
| GekoNewCal is a finger friendly tool to make a new calendar appointment. It’s the work of Omar68 of XDA. It features an interface reminiscent of TouchFlo. The background looks like TF3D and it’s large and finger friendly. It’s a lot less cluttered than the standard WM screen and gives you quick access to the most popular features.
When you first start the app it will be in French. To set it to English you just need to go to the file where the program is ((storage card)program filesgekonewcal) and delete the file named ‘settings.txt’ and rename “en_settings.txt” to “settings.txt “ and then next time you start the app it will be in English.
I believe that this was written for VGA devices (as it was intended for the Diamond) so Touch Pro and Fuze users shouldn’t have a problem but if you use a different device please share your findings. This project is still a work in progress as he’s updating it to meet the requests of XDA members and we’ll tell you when it’s updated but this is pretty good for most people right now. Of course, if you like his work you should by him a beer for his efforts. The download is available here from XDA or here from Omar68’s website.
There’s a new release on (new website of the development team). It is really nice and has a new option for inviting the others to the meeting via SMS. The kinetic picker instead of the buttons is really cool!