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Google adds features to mobile weather

googleweathermobileLooks like Google wasn’t done with just announcing Google Cloud Print for mobile today. Late this afternoon the folks at Google announced that they have added some “fun” features to their in browser weather page. All you need to do is from your iPhone or Android powered device, do a search on “weather” and enable “my location” if prompted and it will display your local weather with a  few fun enhancements. The first thing you will notice is that there is a slider bar that spans the full length of the screen and covers 12 hours. By swiping to the right the weather updates in one hour increments. You can see hour-by-hour forecast changes. One other neat and “fun” enhancement is that the screen color in the back ground of the weather changes to reflect night and day.  I would have liked to see some animated stuff to really make it “fun” for me, but I like the added functionality.

So next time you fire up your iPhone or Android device, head to Google dot come and type in weather and check out there new enhanced weather user interface.
