Google to sell wireless service in deals with Sprint, T-Mobile
| David K:
Google Inc. is preparing to sell wireless service directly to consumers after striking deals with Sprint Corp. and T-Mobile US Inc., a move likely to prod the wireless industry to cut prices and improve speeds, according to people familiar with th…
MarketWatch – Wednesday, January 21, 2015
That’s an interesting wrinkle. Well, if it cuts prices and improves speeds, viva le competition!
And of course, selling wireless services and Android phones isn’t a conflict of interest. That only applies to Microsoft, right?
Obviously! (/snark)
As long as White House leans towards Google and Simmons idol Schmidt, it doesn’t matter.
Google is also getting in the wired residential broadband Internet and television business. From what I’ve heard, their service is so coveted that cities beg them to wire them up next and some people even move to covered areas just to be eligible.
But of course due to the same "conflict of interest" Jim brought up, if they detect you using Internet Explorer or Firefox set to Yahoo! instead of Google Search, they will slow down your connection and send you extra spyware. If the included wifi router detects a Windows Phone, it will perform fine, but the included DVR will "forget" to record the Super Bowl and Ellen episodes.
Why? Because that’s good for business and is the sort of thing that happens when Google, a company many of you still dismiss as an ad agency when arguing they are not cut out for one job or another, becomes the number one competitor of yet another batch of companies.
If I recall Microsoft for years had the smartphone market cornered. Unfortunately for them, Google (in addition to Apple of course) figured they’d give it a whirl anyway, resulting in Microsoft prioritizing (and making more money from) Apple and Google-backed mobile platforms than their own Windows Phone Seven Series.
If Windows Phone can claw itself up a little higher in active users, why would Google be any less likely to form a symbiotic (and not strictly litigious) relationship with Microsoft, the platform and its users than it has done with Apple and iOS? Maybe they’re working on it now.
Hey, I read yesterday that the Surface RT had a one browser policy, nothing but IE could be installed (in the event someone else bothered to get their browser into the RT market). Is that true? Talk about "conflict of interest!" Though in a cuter, more amusing form than Google getting involved with these struggling carriers, or any other industry because indeed they are uniquely good at more things than any other single company ever.
Also, Schmidt is indeed the man. Just a little misunderstood is all, as comes with the territory of being a business and comedic genius.
Not suggesting any of the monopoly fights over the past few decades were justified or rational. But it’s all about perception. If you think it may be a conflict, it may be.
Well wait, why would Google making some sort of deal with Sprint and T-Mobile, whose combined customer base is less than that of either AT&T or Verizon, constitute a monopoly (versus a competitive market)?
Because Google is a winner in more industries than we’re all used to? Is that relevant, legally, at least in the States?
Buttressing competition against AT&T and Verizon sounds like a good thing for consumers. Both companies are trading around 2% lower today, which is telling.
I guess I should read the article now to get a vague understanding of what’s going on here.
Ok, I should have said monopoly and competitive market. Sorry.
If Google somehow encourages TMo or Sprint to have Android devices float to the top of the stack, would that be a conflict? Yeah, I know. The market drives competition. But when every sales rep in every AT&T store uses an iPhone, and they sell, well, iPhones, guess what happens. Most all people, not just Apple users are sheep. Especially with regard to technology. Subtle changes, like more Android signage, rearranged kiosks, and sales reps using Android devices, could all influence consumes buying decisions.
If Google is doing this strictly as an investment though, and not to build their mobile brand, maybe they should consider something like solar panel manufacturing instead.
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