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Google’s patent claims against Xbox “in serious trouble and may go away now”

The patent wars continue and in the latest tit for tat the pending ban on Xbox’s that relate to Motorola’s (Google’s now) patents which looked serious enough to ban imports may now be a thing of the past. Foss patents is the authority on these matters and they note there was an initial ruling that Microsoft infringed. But then the ITC remanded the case. Because of the process involved in the remand it meant that the Xbox would not be banned for the 2012 holiday season. But that’s just the start because Foss was able to read the papers and states:

I’ve now (after blogging about the Galaxy Nexus injunction) finally been able to look at the implications of the remand notice more closely. On that basis, I have a strong feeling that Google’s (Motorola’s) case against the Xbox is in serious trouble and may go away now, as opposed to merely being delayed (though the delay is significant in and of itself, especially in light of the Seattle FRAND trial coming up in November).

So while this is still pending, the Xbox won’t go the way of all of the Android phones and tablets (you know, banned indefinitely).

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