Herm Brings The Noise With a Twofer
|Herm’s been a busy man lately. Tired of just releasing an app at a time he’s released two of them today. First up is Spin the Bottle. It’s a remake of the classic game…in your pocket:) Of course, with Herm you get a little more than expected. it features 6 different bottles and 5 backgrounds to choose from. Flick the bottle and watch it spin while you’re greeted with the Jeopardy music:) Use it for drinking, kissing, drinking, betting, drinking…hey, whatever floats your boat:)
Next up is AudioMeter which is a really well put together app to measure the noise levels in a surrounding environment. It tells you both the current levels as well as tracking the highest peak. you also get various modes including LED, analog and a bar graph (that can be a solid or line graph). I found out that I can make bodily noises above 100db with this:) I also learned that a subway in NYC is ridiculously loud no matter how you look at it. Oh and while I was at it I made a few
drinking bets with friends…there were no losers:)
Both apps feature what you’d expect from Herm – smooth graphics and a complete project…not a beta, not a near final version. These apps are very well tested and run beautifully. He’s packaged them both together – it’s $1.29 to get a license for both apps. And both are written for all screen resolutions – VGA, WVGA, QWVGA and QVGA. They’re available directly from Herm’s site and for such a nominal price it’s a great deal.
having 4 kids, i was heading out to buy a “Yacker Tracker” (google it), but now Herm brings this little program along. Sounds perfect for keeping the kids in check after the candy cupboard as been pilliged!!!
Going to give this a try… thanks!!!!
How accurate is the audio meter app? and how low can it measure, and also can I use it with my Tilt? The Tilt1 not the Tilt2 that is..