Market Analyst Believes Apple Maps Will Be Best Within 6 Months. Do You?
Sometimes you just have to love the optimism present in people. If you’re in anyway familiar with the amount of data points needed to begin to deliver a top-shelf mapping solution you know that it takes years upon years to get there. Somehow this analyst believes Apple, in their infinite awesomeness, can get there in the next four to six months. Not just deliver a top-shelf solution. This analyst thinks best solution on the planet. Why does he think this? He cites Apple’s ecosystem as main reason. What the hell right?!
Here’s the link if you want to see want a whiff of whatever this guy is smoking: Apple Maps To Be The Best
I’d really like to know if you agree with the analyst that Apple will catch up in the next 4-6 months.
Source: Bloomberg
Well they may be good or better than Google’s, but it would be nowhere Nokia or Bing Maps. Period.
That analyst sounds as dumb as the “Appke 5 phone” line girl. The ecosystem has zip to do with mapping.
Not even Apple can catch up Google’s many-years head start in 6 months.
Read a comment on another site that got me thinking. Could it be these so called reporters and analysts are merely trying to protect their Apple holdings. I am pretty sure that tech site staff are not queried for what they have in their stock portfolio. What about these analysts.
Apple stock drops 5 or 10% and a lot of people lose a lot of money. What would you do to protect against that? Just sayin.
Oh just think about it. Billions tied up in Apple and nobody is going to intentionally bankrupt themselves. The market is based on emotions more than imperical evidence. People get really emotional about their money.
Damn. I really don’t like thinking that people could/would/do do that, but yeah, it’s probably a statistical certaining Somebody’s doing that.