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New Marketplace interface coming in Windows Phone Mango

Fresh off the announcement that a new web-based marketplace will be available in Mango, we’ve uncovered some information pertaining to a new marketplace experience on the phone. While search was improved in NoDo, this new version of the Marketplace browser embraces the panoramic views found in the OS, and provides a much cleaner look. Rather than have one page for all of the application information, it is split up into several tabs: details, reviews, screenshots, and related. Each section provides the respective information, and takes away some of the clutter that is present in current release versions. On top of that, a suggest feature is also present when searching Marketplace, similar to as if you were searching through Bing on the phone.


While we may never be able to pinpoint all of Mango’s ‘500 new features,’ it certainly seems that Microsoft went all out on this one.


See the full set of screenshots below.

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