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NRG’s 28014 Rocks!

I downloaded and installed NRG’s latest 28014 ROM a few days again. It is outstanding! Both through my own experience and reading through the NRG thread, there are no significant problems. It’s stable, fast, solid on battery use, and incredible eye candy.

NRG even offers a version with Max Manila  and another with an Xmas theme. I would hold off on Max Manila if you are VGA (like our Fuzes) because he is testing and finalizing a VGA version (likely released in the next week or so).

He also offers another build (21885) for those who like the certainty (and less finger friendiness) of the older COM2 tree which is considered to be more reliable and bug free.

I can’t imagine flashing again for some time (at least until some new eye candy emerges!).

And Happy Holidays!

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