Sorry Molly Wood, Lumia 1020 Shares Pics In Abundance
|If you’ve followed my articles you know this isn’t the first time i’ve had to directly counter ridiculous and flat out wrong commentary by CNET’s Molly Wood. The latest incident occurred yesterday when Molly Wood decided to post a video review of the current Windows Phone flagship, Nokia Lumia 1020.
Like many have said, media bias exists, yes even in the Windows Phone parts of the world. I have no problem with people preferring other devices at all. That is the value and beauty of choice. What I do have a problem with is people who are paid to cover technology and who obviously half-assed the assignment leading to a flawed review and the misleading of the general reader. I recorded a simple and short video of my Lumia 1020 taking a picture, then sharing to Facebook. You can also notice in the video the abundance of options to share your pics and videos to.
Thank you! More people and sites need to do videos like this to refute the endless amounts of WP-related misinformation floating around out there.
Keep digging her digital grave, dude. She’s asking for it.
Her history is filled with erroneous reviews. They would be better off having some random person use it and compare their experiences.
I stopped reading Molly Wood longtime back. I think it is she should retire already from reviewing technology. She still lives in 2007 clearly.
Great job! Tech reporters need to do better jobs and when they are wrong need to be called out for it. Now the big test, will she correct her report with an update?
Thanks. Yes i’ll be looking to see if she corrects her report too.
She’s an Executive Editor at CNET. Microsoft needs to push for a retraction and correction to the article. At the very least these networks could bring on a Windows Phone user or enthusiast to show off the OS.
I still believe that CNet video is nothing short of slanderous. Reporters are obligated to be well informed before posting something for public viewing. If she couldn’t find the power button, could she have said the phone won’t even turn on. As Murani noted, everyone is entitled to their opinion (although I would challenge even that for a reporter doing an “objective” comparison), but this was outright misinformation. Microsoft/Nokia deserves an apology or a check, Molly’s choice. Although she really liked the hand strap..
I agree with you. If they are supposed to be reviewing or reporting, they really need to leave their preferences, and prejudices in their pocket. Period.
But this has become the norm with Windows Phone… hell with pretty much everything Microsoft related actually. Way too much opinionated scrutiny, naysaying and FUD spreading.
Between this type of garbage, and the uninformed fools in carrier stores WP’s road has become far more difficult than it really needs to be.
I highly concur with your assessment of the situation at CNET. To be considered a leader in tech information, they need to be consistently refreshing themselves. Bring in some “fresh eyes” to handle and become proficient with the equipment to provide specs and performance analysis based upon facts and not opinion. This current type of reporting only serves to pander to the lowest common denominator. And with their lack of (and probably not much care for) technical knowledge, the LCD immediately accept this “review” as fact because it is atop their search list on google, yahoo, or Bing. I don’t much care for CNET or its Executive Editor for my own research; however, it does bother me how easily they report misinformation to those who don’t know any better. I sure do hope that there comes a point where they are either struck with the revelation to freshen things up or are forced to change as a result of the increased outrage of true “techsperts” who aren’t afraid to call CNET’s B.S. out.
As someone who creates and work in the media business it really gets under my skin. I have to really research products so that I can write effective copy for commercials and ads. Seeing an editor of a site like CNET do such a sloppy job is infuriating. This goes beyond Windows Phone, it is the principle of how an editor can be allowed to be so bad at the job at hand.
I don’t know how many people are going to read my app review tomorrow when I post. But I have already spent two hours testing all the features and have exchanged six email messages with the developer clarifying the apps functionality. The actual reporting part only took about 30 minutes. I expect no less from “professionals” who can influence millions of viewers/readers. It’s their damn job to get it right. Plenty of pretty faces out there to smile for the camera.
I look forward to reading the article. Yes, that is exactly what we should expect from those who can influence others. Had she even bothered to keep up in any way with the Windows Phone news over the past couple months she would know of the several high quality Instagram clients including one that is official Oggl.
I used to be a CNET fan.
20 years ago.