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Today “is going to be a very disruptive day in the history of personal computing devices”

imageWhat do you do when senior tech writers at ZDNet throw down language like this (which was late last night):

Tomorrow is going to be a very disruptive day in the history of personal computing devices. And that’s all I’m gonna say.

It’s gonna hit the world like a baseball bat in the face.

Tomorrow will be a huge day, with something totally unexpected. Watch my space. Good night.

Those are all from last night. The only clue given is a link to this article and we’re told to read between the lines.  It’s an article about how the new computer is a screen. Effectively how the cloud and virtualization lead to a huge change so whether you are on a TV or a desktop or a mobile or whatever slate you’re holding it’s just a screen for something that’s centrally located. It doesn’t seem like an Apple thing (no announced press event). Microsoft has had a lot of releases and quite frankly they may be out of them for now. I’d have to guess Google. but of course, this could be a Cisco or VMware thing. For now, my bet is on the octopus that is Google – they have a hand in everything. And for what it’s worth I think the ZDNet guys are talking with knowledge of something (like they have an NDA) and not conjecture.

Any guesses?