Turkey Unblocks Twitter? Not So Fast They Blocked YouTube Too
| So yesterday we thought that Turkey’s Prime Minister would have his ban of Twitter over turned and it appears that the court ruling is not going to happen and that YouTube now just days before the election has gone black. Read that here:
10 Million Turkish Citizens are Tweeting Once More
So today the scandal plagued PM who had some “key security meetings” leaked on YouTube pulled the plug on that too. “Turkey’s Telecommunication Directorate (TİB) has used its new authority for the first time by blocking Youtube without a court order.”
Even though the court unblocked Twitter by a court the TIB has 30 days to reinstate it which is just long enough to do damage control while the elections are coming up in days. Geez and you thought the United States was bad. At least we know they are spying on us but have not cut off our #hashtag addictions!
Read more at Hurriyet Daily News.