US MVNO Solavei First With BlackBerry Z10 Goodness for 1K
If you are not familiar with the term MVNO, what it stands for is Mobile Virtual Network Operator. What they do is lease spectrum from the Large carriers like Sprint and T-Mobile and open up their own service without all the costs of maintaining it and expanding it. Seems risky, but it there has to be a buck in it or I would not be writing about it. One of these MVNO companies called Solavei just hit the radar this morning and not for their network prices or plans. This time it is for their newest smartphone offering. Only because they will be first in the US, and second for the ridicules amount of money they will be charging, but they have announced that they will have the BlackBerry Z10 for the paltry price of $999 . Yep, a cool 1K today will get you the BlackBerry Z10 goodness contract free.
The BlackBerry Z10, already available across the pond and in Canada, was not due to launch here in the US until mid March by all accounts. But Solavei can get you hooked up starting today. Just take a deep breath at the check out counter. Solavei, who rides on T-Mobile’s spectrum coat tails, sell’s it’s monthly customers unlimited voice, SMS and data for just $49 a month contract free. They also have a pretty deep deal referral program. Sell your friends or family and you could get your service paid for. For every three you talk into Solavei, they will give you $20 per month credit. There appears to be some other incentives too, but I’ll leave that in your capable hands to sort out the fine print. Not really sure I have ever seen a Solavei subscriber. Anyway, swap carriers, get your service cheap and paid for if you are good at selling, and then drop a cool 1K and be the first to brag about having BlackBerry Z10.
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About The Author
Fascinated with technology, saltwater aquariums and black holes. Handy with power tools or sarcasm and is an avid Clash of Clans addict.
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