Welcome to Fight Night!
|Hello to all the Mobility Digest Faithful, Casual Readers and Those Just Looking for a story to write.
I’m the new writer here at Mobility Digest. Some of you may have noticed the name, I’ve been an avid commenter for months (mostly to provide a counter-point to Simmons) and an visitor of the site since, well, the fuse mobility days. First, let me say that I’m sorry I haven’t had much time to post yet. The 9 to 5 recently got really needy but now that all of that has subsided, my free time will go back to this site.
A little about me:
I’m from New York, Queens to be exact. I commute to work everyday via the Iron Horse, so I spend a great deal of time a day playing with/tweaking/using my gadgets.
My thoughts about the mobile marketplace:
I used to be a hardcore Windows Mobile Fanboy. I now prefer Windows Phone 7 (Dell Venue Pro) but I appreciate the advances Android has made even though it feels like what Photon aka Windows Mobile 7 should have been had it not been scrapped (more on this in a separate post later). I reluctantly accept the place the Apple has taken in the mobile computing market even though I wouldn’t buy one myself. BlackBerry still is a joke and a clear indication that old habits do in fact, die hard. Finally, WebOS still is the little engine that couldn’t sell a damn thing but everyone keeps stealing ideas from. Ok, fine so I’m joking about the last two but not by much…
Extra Points:
- I’ve had to use/support them a bunch of ’em because of my previous jobs but as I mentioned earlier, I’ve never owned an Apple product in my life.
- Because of the point above, I had to seek alternate MP3 players that suited my needs which included:
- At least 3 Rio MP3 CD Players and one Sony MP3 CD Player
- Creative Zen 30GB
- Sony Pocket Vaio
- iStation i2
- iubi Blue
- Cowon A2 and A3
- Cowon Q5W
- Cowon S9
- I’m a gadget head, anything with a keyboard and a screen will keep me occupied for hours.
- I’m a Knicks, Mets, Rangers and Giants fan. Pair that with the fact that I like WP7 and you can see that I have a penchant for supporting the hard luck losers.
All in all, I look forward to writing for the site and developing a strong rapport with all of the readers here at Mobility Digest (I will do my very best to respond to everyone who addresses me in a timely fashion) or at the very least, mixing it up with Simmons and offering my thoughts and perspective about technology.
Look forward to your future reads. It should get interesting.
@Jim Szymanski: I appreciate it!
Glad to have you here! Look forward to reading your articles!
Congrats on crossing the fence.
@Doug Smith: Thanks again for letting me be apart of this!
@Hotmail Alias: I know I’ll be seeing you in a couple of my posts soon enough!