Win10 Widgets Just Works!
I ran across this little applet a couple weeks ago. And as with most things, I approached with a bit of skepticism. Would it work reliably? Would it use 50% of my resources, like a Symantec tool? Would it cause some other issue with the otherwise stable Windows 10 OS? Well, after some testing the answer is; yes, no, no. Actually, it does exactly what the developer says it does. No more, no less. That’s refreshing. It just works. I now have it installed on all my devices, from i7 desktops to a tiny NextBook9 tablet.
The app consists of a bunch of pre-defined widgets;battery, date/ time, weather, performance, Spotify, volume, Wi-Fi, that you can drop and drag anywhere on your screen. They will snap to edges unless you instruct otherwise. Most of the widgets have different size variants that you can choose from. Several also have options to toggle different data on or off. If so inclined, you can also make changes to the widget. Or even go as far as modify the widget’s INI file. But you really don’t need to be very technical minded. As long as you can right click, you can manage everything you will ever need.
Of all the available widgets, my favorite is probably the Performance widget, which can also be displayed as individual widgets for each activity. As with most, this widget comes in three variations. So you can see how it provides flexibility to fit anywhere on your desktop. I can finally, once again, see if there is any disk activity going on before I want to do something like install a new program.
The developer has a really easy to follow tutorial video which is linked to the Welcome screen. The app is free, but he does ask for donations. Unfortunately, unlike the old Windows Mobile days, most of today’s user’s expect everything for free, or no more than $0.99. That’s gonna take a lot of donors. As I’m used to paying $29.99 for a quality tool, I had no problem making a “fair” contribution today. Why not download and give the app a try. If you like it, make a donation. If that violates your principals, at least share the app on Social media. That won’t cost you anything, but it might help the developer to reach his goal.
You can learn more about the app and download at
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