YummyPets: Yup, Its For Your Pet
|So you’ve heard all the rage about YummyPets, or not, and you’re wondering to yourself, exactly what is this “YummyPets.” Simply put, it’s Facebook for your Pets. That’s right, a social network for animals. The idea behind YummyPets is to encourage and build large comminutes from the ground up surround your favorite animal kingdom buddies. Simple, right?
Although nothing new, where YummyPets stands out is it’s beautiful yet functional layout, it feels instantly familiar! I’m sure that does wonders for the pet owners across the world waiting to be addicted to something else other than their current social feeds. You can upload photos, like photos, or… as YummyPets would have it… Yummy photos, comment and even send messages. The whole social networking deal is here!
So what’s the catch? Well, it started out in France and has now expanded to the UK, so there is no US version as yet. But, if this takes off like I think it will, you and your youtube start cat will be on YummyPets in no time! Hang in there!