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Starting Next Months Devs Can Update WP7 Apps Even if Mango Apps Are Available

imageOne of the hitches to updating to Mango apps is that once you do it you freeze the non-Mango version o the app and it’s not then upgradable. That’s a bummer because it means you’ve left people behind in updates and as a developer you need to time your Mango updates for when enough people have Mango. Well not anymore:

We heard you, and are happy to report today that by the end of October we will enable functionality in App Hub that will allow you to publish updates to both the 7.0 and 7.5 versions of your apps. Knowing that on average people update their apps every three to four months, this October timeframe provides assurance that you that you can submit 7.5 apps today and still have access to your 7.0 app well before the next update is required. There’s no need to wait!

That’s one hurdle. I still think from a visibility perspective you may want to hold on to Mango apps but that’s debatable.

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