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Windows 8 Hits 100, 000 Apps!

Round of applause to the Windows 8 team, now sit down! This is something you really shouldn’t care about, unless…

Here has been something strange to explain to the average folk from day one, and before I get my point across, I’d just like to reiterate how much Mac OS sucks. There, I said it. Now, Most will read a headline, headling (you like what I did right there?) “Windows 8, a hundred, thousand, million apps!” and say to themselves, “yea, that’s nice, but the iPad has a hundred, thousand trillion apps!”

Do you get it? The Windows 8 app store is not seen as an app store for you PC by most, it is instead perceived as a very lacking app store for an iPad replacement, otherwise known as The Surface.

Although this is a valid point of view, I will take my victory where it exist. I really have no idea how much apps Mac OS has under it’s belt and/or in it’s app store, and I really couldn’t care less to search. But I’ll bet you this, and very blindly at that, it’s no where close to 100,000. So yea, lets just stand up one more time… and applaud!