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Amazon Kindle video takes a swing at the iPad

kindle-fire-commercialSamsung has been taking some nice swings at Apple and most recently during the Super Bowl. There is no love loss there and even though Apple uses components from Samsung, it didn’t stop them from declaring war on the Galaxy Tab. Now we have a new comer to the Apple Donnybrook,  enter Amazon with their Kindle taking a jab, or maybe in this case, a full right hook. The commercial is addressing some key points of the Amazon Kindle and Kindle Fire in that they will:

  1. perform in sunlight
  2. play videos and games like the iPad
  3. and cost a lot less than the iPad

It’s not really a question of how well the Kindle Fire will perform against the iPad, it is a simple matter that in will in fact perform the same functions as the iPad. Gaming, well, it is not in the same league as the iPad, video on a 7 inch screen is nowhere as nice as the 10 inch iPad, and that you can buy multiple Kindle devices for the family as the lady in the bikini points out.

I highly doubt that anyone toting around an iPad needs to be embarrassed as the male passer by portrays in light of our sunbathers revelations, but there is an interesting allure to the Kindle that cannot be denied. It does in fact work and perform within the parameters Amazon set out to accomplish at a very affordable price. In fact, one of the major strengths on Apple is the App Store and developers. But Amazon has built a very nice eco system as well wrapping all the cloud based products up in a nice package to offer it’s customers. More amazing is that Amazon is attracting talent in the likes of Brandon Watson, who left Microsoft’s Windows Phone Developer Experience Team. It is also stated that he could be helping develop  a Kindle Phone. Amazon appears to have found it’s stride and if they can continue to offer great services, with an affordable product that “works” there is no question Brandon Watson can’t whip up a user experience to complete the device.

So was all that commentary and insight enough to keep me out of hot water and suspicion for posting this just because she is wearing a bikini? Save me Doug Simmons!

  1. [via BGR]